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All of Her Co-Workers “Died Suddenly”

But it took her four days to notice

Dissociated Press

When Laticia Cuggles clocked into work late Monday morning, the Wells Fargo office in Widowsburg, Wyoming seemed quieter than usual. Cuggles assumed that co-workers slumped in their swivel chairs or apparently napping, heads on their desks, were just recovering after a long, eventful weekend.

It wasn’t until Thursday that Cuggles noticed the smell, took a closer look at the corpse in the next cubicle, emitted a bloodcurdling scream, and exited her workplace in great haste. Officials subsequently determined that all 37 of her co-workers had more-or-less simultaneously expired of unknown causes early Monday, or possibly late Friday.

Police said they saw no indications of foul play. “People do die suddenly. It happens. Especially these days,” explained Widowsburg Police Chief Barney McFuzz. The coroner’s office listed the deaths as “causes unknown.” It added that the only thing about the deaths that was absolutely certain was that they hadn’t been caused by any vaccine.

Peter Hotez, America’s leading health expert now that Fauci has retired, noted that Cuggles wasn’t up-to-date on her vaccination schedule. “She probably missed a booster and caught COVID. That’s why she was so brain-fogged she didn’t even notice that all her co-workers were dead,” Hotez explained, adding: “I hope every office worker in America takes this horrific incident to heart and immediately goes and gets boosted.”

Hotez added that monkeypox may have also been involved, and urged everyone to line up and get those vaccines too.


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